Thursday, July 3, 2008

Here we go!

Hi Everyone!

So I've never done anything like this whole blogging thing before, mainly because I usually don't have anything cool enough in my life going on, or because I get bored (I was always that person that spent more time working on the cover of the journal but never actually wrote anything inside!).  But I thought it might be cool for me to look back on this in a few years when it's all said and done.  Although who knows, maybe these posts will be like my old school pictures and I'll be just fine if I never look at them again! :)  
I thought it might also be cool to have a way for friends and family to keep tabs on me while I go through this, so ya'll know I'm still alive!  I will also post pictures every now and then, once I figure out how.  I am so proud of myself though, because I made my layout with my own picture and everything!! 

Hope you'll come along with me on this adventure, should be interesting! :)

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